Thursday, March 24, 2011

Magic is in the air!

I wish everyone could experience what I experienced yesterday. It was like magic and God's blessing combined to form a delicious treat for my heart, soul, and senses. In an earlier post, I referenced 6-year-old Rosita, a product of incest, abuse, malnutrition, etc. Her teeth are rotten from her lack of proper diet and likely never having brushed them pre-orphanage. They claim she is 6, but she barely looks like she's 4. And the kicker to me...she can't talk. I have such a heart for this beauty, this innocent victim of so much trauma at such a young age. I seek out opportunities to connect with her and bring a smile, a once unfamiliar thing, to her cute face. She is one of the 3 in my tutoring aka babysitting group. Because she's never been exposed to any academics until now, to say that she is behind the other 2 is an under-statement. While I'm juggling helping the two boys write their names out of noodles, she's off in the corner eating glue or stealing my supplies. I think I managed close to 40 "NO's" in a 2-hour period the other day. I felt like I was back at square 1. After tutoria yesterday, I was enjoying being outside with the kids, watching them play and laugh. Rosita grabbed me by the hand and led me to the swings and motioned for me to push her. I love hearing her giggle. I can imagine what it's like to be a mom and that being my favorite sound in the world. And then something more beautiful happened. Her swing had come to a stop and I could tell she wanted more, but I wanted to see if she would take my bait. I told her if she wanted more, she needed to say "mas", "more" in Spanish. SHE DID IT!!!!!!! It was unbelievable! It was better than ice cream on a hot day or a cold beer at a BBQ...yum. And the best part? I got it on video! I'm trying to figure out how to upload it, but for now, you just get the story. Thanks for the prayers and please continue to pray for Rosita's continued growth, acceptance of love, and future full of hope.

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