Thursday, April 14, 2011

Not going to lie- today was a really tough day. It felt like my emotions completely exploded and I was left out to dry. Life here is hard- but it's an amazing kind of hard. It's definitely one of the hardest things I've done in my life. I would kill for English subtitles when talking to ppl here. The funny thing is that I understand most of what the kids say, but definitely less than half of what the adults say. Can't we all just talk about coloring?! God is kicking my butt here. Communication, conflict-resolution, sacrifice, putting yourself last...those are ALL tough things individually and when you put them all together 24/7, it creates some major emotional commotion!

Today I had a cool revelation when talking with a friend. I was relaying to her how much I adore the two little boys in my tutoria and love to just overload them on hugs, praise, and love. I have definitely seen them open up more to me and enjoy all the affection and show it to me in return. However, when they disrespect me or lie or don't listen to my authority, I withhold some of my hugs and praise and I see the look in their eyes of almost shame and longing to make things right. Its not that I didnt love them, wasnt proud of them or didnt want to hug them. On the contrary. I just know the potential that they have and what is best for them and the bigger picture. What a glorious feeling to reconnect after they correct their wrongs and choose to come running back in my arms. I was brought to tears today in realizing this is exactly what the Father does for us. He never stops loving us when we mess up or when we stray. He loves us even more and longs for the day we come bounding back to his arms that are always open.

My little Jorge

My little Pedro

Pablo and Pedro

My 12:30 treat Mon-Friday-- picking these 4 munchkins up from school

Location:Gotta' keep your head up...the sun will come again tomorrow


  1. Oh boy! You're a brave & inspirational woman!! You definately know the meaning of perseverence and it sounds like you practice it daily!! I love reading your posts and seeing your awesome pictures! You have so much to offer to those kids, they are so lucky to have you there.

  2. Oh, Kelly,

    How I love you! Even your words can so fit in with our lives. When we adults mess up sometimes, it is so wonderful to know and feel the power of Forgiveness!

    Much love!


  3. Kelly this is awesome of you! I had no idea you were doing this. I'd cry every day. I'm a baby when it comes to kids.

    Hang in there and keep up your amazing work :)
